Board of Directors:
Group Executive Chairman:
Dickson Poon
Executive Directors:
Poon Dickson Pearson Guanda (Chief Operating Officer)
Chan Hon Chung, Johnny Pollux
Lau Yu Hee, Gary
Independent Non-Executive Directors:
Bhanusak Asvaintra
Nicholas Peter Etches
Fung Yue Ming, Eugene Michael
Lam Sze Wan Patricia
Audit Committee:
Nicholas Peter Etches (Chairman)
Bhanusak Asvaintra
Fung Yue Ming, Eugene Michael
Nomination Committee:
Dickson Poon (Chairman)
Bhanusak Asvaintra
Nicholas Peter Etches
Lam Sze Wan Patricia
Remuneration Committee:
Bhanusak Asvaintra (Chairman)
Chan Hon Chung, Johnny Pollux
Nicholas Peter Etches
Investment Committee:
Dickson Poon (Chairman)
Poon Dickson Pearson Guanda
Chan Hon Chung, Johnny Pollux
Company Secretary:
Or Suk Ying, Stella
Independent Auditor:
Certified Public Accountants,
Public Interest Entity Auditor registered in accordance with the Financial Reporting Council Ordinance,
Hong Kong.
Registered Office:
Clarendon House,
2 Church Street,
Hamilton HM 11,
Head Office and Principal Place of Business:
4th Floor, East Ocean Centre,
98 Granville Road,
Tsimshatsui East,
Hong Kong.
Share Registrar in Bermuda:
Conyers Corporate Services (Bermuda) Limited
Clarendon House,
2 Church Street,
Hamilton HM 11,
Branch Share Registrar in Hong Kong:
Tricor Tengis Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre,
16 Harcourt Road,
Hong Kong.
Principal Bankers:
BNP Paribas
Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Place of Share Listing:
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
Stock Code:
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited: 0113